Industrial flue gas treatment plants

Design, engineering, supply, construction, start-up and delivery of the plant, which includes the following sub-systems:

  • Settling chambers
  • Cyclones and multi-cyclones
  • Cooling towers
  • Wet and chemical reaction scrubbers
  • Packed columns
  • Dry, semi-dry, wet desulferization reactors with dosing of alkaline reagents
  • Heavy metal absorber reactors with PAC (Pulverized Activated Carbon) dosing
  • Fabric sleeve filter and ceramic candle filters for high-temperature applications
  • Dry electro-filters
  • Wet electro-filters
  • PAC columns
  • NOX reduction systems: SNCR and SCR DeNOx
  • CO reduction systems: CATOX
  • COV and SOV reduction systems: RTO regenerative combustors and zeolite rotors.
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